Training Autogeno Basale a 3000 persone
Abstract della relazione presentata dalla dott.ssa Da Ronch Chiara al congresso mondiale di Lucerna del 16/19 giugno 2010
The efficacy of Autogenic Therapy: a retrospective population study on 2988 patients.
Da Ronch C^, Gastaldo E#, Nanni MG^, Grassi L^, Ottobre M*, Gastaldo G*.
*AIRDA (Association for the Study of Autogenicity), Ponzano Veneto (TV), Italy
^University of Ferrara, Psychiatric Section, Ferrara, Italy
#University of Ferrara, Neurological Section, Ferrara, Italy
Introduction: the efficacy in psychotherapy is still difficult to determine, because it is impossible to give an objective measure of the complexity of people’s growth. However it is important to try and provide scientific data in this field. We present a retrospective study to evaluate the efficacy of the Autogenic Therapy (AT) in a large cohort of patients.
Materials and methods: We evaluated the results of AT on 2988 patients that began the 4-Steps AT “Gastaldo-Ottobre”. These patients were evaluated clinically and through a battery of various tests (subjective improvement, anxiety- depression, symptoms list, anamnestic history) before and at various steps of the entire psychotherapy. In this study we focused our analysis only on three areas: subjective improvement, anxiety and depression evaluation.
Results: at all Steps patients showed significant improvements, both through subjective and objective measures. After the first Step 75.6% of patients declared an improvement, 20.3% no changes, 4.1% worsened. The objective measures gave a statistically significant reduction of the average value of anxiety (from 8.4 to 7.6) and depression (from 45.77 to 39.65), (p<0.01). The number of people that proceed with the further Steps is lower, but the results are still highly encouraging with a similar trend with statistical significance.
Conclusions: The overall results are extremely interesting: they confirm in a high number of patients the possibility of objective evaluation of the efficacy of Psychotherapy and give a measurement in particular of the efficacy of the AT, already since the first Step of treatment (Somatic Autogenic Training).
Da Ronch C^, Gastaldo E#, Nanni MG^, Grassi L^, Ottobre M*, Gastaldo G*.
*AIRDA (Association for the Study of Autogenicity), Ponzano Veneto (TV), Italy
^University of Ferrara, Psychiatric Section, Ferrara, Italy
#University of Ferrara, Neurological Section, Ferrara, Italy
Introduction: the efficacy in psychotherapy is still difficult to determine, because it is impossible to give an objective measure of the complexity of people’s growth. However it is important to try and provide scientific data in this field. We present a retrospective study to evaluate the efficacy of the Autogenic Therapy (AT) in a large cohort of patients.
Materials and methods: We evaluated the results of AT on 2988 patients that began the 4-Steps AT “Gastaldo-Ottobre”. These patients were evaluated clinically and through a battery of various tests (subjective improvement, anxiety- depression, symptoms list, anamnestic history) before and at various steps of the entire psychotherapy. In this study we focused our analysis only on three areas: subjective improvement, anxiety and depression evaluation.
Results: at all Steps patients showed significant improvements, both through subjective and objective measures. After the first Step 75.6% of patients declared an improvement, 20.3% no changes, 4.1% worsened. The objective measures gave a statistically significant reduction of the average value of anxiety (from 8.4 to 7.6) and depression (from 45.77 to 39.65), (p<0.01). The number of people that proceed with the further Steps is lower, but the results are still highly encouraging with a similar trend with statistical significance.
Conclusions: The overall results are extremely interesting: they confirm in a high number of patients the possibility of objective evaluation of the efficacy of Psychotherapy and give a measurement in particular of the efficacy of the AT, already since the first Step of treatment (Somatic Autogenic Training).

Studio di Medicina, psicologia, psicoterapia Gastaldo G. - Ottobre M., (A.I.R.D.A., Centro ricerca) -
Via Chiesa di Ponzano 8, 31050 Ponzano Veneto (TV), Partita IVA 02322440260 - Tel/fax. 0422 969034 - E-mail [email protected] - -,
Via Chiesa di Ponzano 8, 31050 Ponzano Veneto (TV), Partita IVA 02322440260 - Tel/fax. 0422 969034 - E-mail [email protected] - -,